You’ve seen the special edition magazines we produce with each issue, you’ve yearned after them, you may even own some. But today we have created this one-off opportunity for you to get your hands on them again.
We’ve gathered together special editions from VNA issue 10, through to our most recent issue 18; which feature covers from D*FACE, INSA, ROA, EINE, SICKBOY, SHEPARD FAIREY, INVADER, THE LONDON POLICE & CONOR HARRINGTON. Oh and did we mention that they are all signed with the exception of D*Face & Roa?
There is even a super rare signed Shepard Fairey copy, which only a tiny handful of people who were given printers proofs own!
These nine screen-printed copies will be sent out at random to the next 90 people making purchases through our website. So that’s a 1 in 10 chance of receiving one in the post with your order! Madness we know. Please note this only applies to orders of £5 or over before p+p charges have been added. Good luck – once they’re gone, they’re gone, so make sure you act fast to be considered amongst that 90.
VNA 15 special edition, signed by Shepard Fairey.